Glossary of foretry terms.
Quintana Roo was built on wood This might seem as a strong assertion, maybe even a little opinionated, however, one must not forget that the :fi:rst ~--tablished city of its modern age was Payo Obispo, a border outpost created by Lieutenant Othon Pompeyo Blanco to control the illegal trade of wood and weapons that was common with the inhabitants of British Honduras (Belize).
Even since the Mayan tribes that populated the area long before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors ÍICSt established themselves in the Yncatán peninsula. forests have been an essential part of Jocal Jife. These forests have provided food, shelter, wealth and most importantly, a focal point of Jocal deveJopment, deveJopment which was just recently substituted by tourism.
lfs easy to guess, then, that wood and tbus forestry, botb as a science and as an industry, in our community, would be important to the studeots ofthe Uoiversity of Quintana Roo residing in tbe area It' s however sad to note that most of the teA'tbooks and knowiedge of the forestiy comes from externa! sources, most prominently from Canada and the US of A The work of hnndreds of experts that have dedicated their lives to researching the ínnermost. secrets of forests, creating a complete scíence around tbe resources that have propelled the development of civilization ever sínce hmnans discovered fue, is at our fingertips ahhough mostly written in English.
- Licenciatura [2699]