Spanish-English translation of the artucle " Vulnerabilidad y délito: un estudio de los municipios del Estado de Quitnana Roo" with an analysis of the techniques used by the translator.
It is of great importance for this article to be translated into English in order to convey the social and economic situation being faced in Mexico and how it is directly related to crime and victimization. Guaranteeing security and reducing criminal rates is a global matter. If researchers from different institutions worldwide could see the problems being faced in our
country solutions could be developed according to the specific situation being faced.
The study described in the article detects a specific social group being affected by crime measured by economic indicators, which result in a ratio of crime due to vulnerability. This article is not only of use to those in the field of public security, but also to investigators in the studies of sociology, economics and criminology. Through the translation of this article, it Will help others comprehend the etiology of crime and the criminal situation in the municipalities of Quintana Roo, and develop an idea of the insecurity faced in Mexico, insecurity that is originated due to social inequality. Also, students studying public security will be able to gain knowledge in the terminology related to public security in English and Spanish. Researchers of other countries will have access to this article when published. They Will understand what is public security in Mexico and that insecurity differs from place to place, because crime depends on the social problems being faced in a specific society.
- Licenciatura [2687]